Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I'm Fine

"I'm fine."

I've said that so often as an automatic response to "How are you?" that I'm starting to believe it myself, but I'm not fine. I just keep pretending that I am, but I don't know how much longer I can pretend.

Maybe I should start answering that question honestly. People will probably learn to not ask me. That might be OK.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Good, but sad

Good musical talent here, but it sucks because they don't have a job anymore.


Sunday, April 19, 2015


Yes, I'm using one of the basic Blogger themes for this blog. The simplicity appeals to me. The content is what really matters. Maybe you'll like my content. Maybe not. Either way, the formatting shouldn't matter.

Hi Internet

Hi. This isn't my first time blogging, but you won't find any of my other blogs online. This hasn't really worked well for me before, so this might be a short-lived experiment.

I do like the idea of having an outlet for my thoughts that isn't connected to some social media. These thoughts aren't really directed toward my family or friends. They're just to go "out there".

Some of my more interesting thoughts show up when I've had some alcohol. If you're very opposed to alcohol consumption, I'd suggest that you leave now. Yes, I understand there are various potential problems with the consumption of alcohol (ethanol), but I do find that it frees my mind from the daily stressors and allows me to think more freely.

So ... we'll see where this goes.

Bye. Have a beautiful time.